Stardom Summary: August 2020 - WHS mini
Catch up on all of the Stardom action throughout the month of August in the latest WHS minisode!
Stardom's biggest tournament of the year, the 5 Star Grand Prix, got off to a great start... but was stalled for weeks by health issues. Catch up on everything that happened in Stardom throughout the month of August 2020 in the latest WHS minisode! Listen to find out what have been the best matches from the two 5 Star GP shows that have happened so far, the reasons why everything got delayed, and a few thoughts about everyone's chances in the tournament!
Hana Kimura T-shirt (proceeds go to Hana’s family):
Hana Kimura T-shirt (proceeds go to Hana’s family):
Music: “SMACK baby SMACK” by BiSH from the album THE GUERiLLA BiSH
(Check out BiSH on YouTube:
(Check out BiSH on YouTube: